
Munching in the Flower Garden Framed Print (Portrait)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are three frame sizes to choose from:
Small: 203mm x 177mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)
Signature Square: 46cm x 46cm (inside aperture 30cm x 30cm)
Proudly made in the UK


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Munching in the Flower Garden Framed Print (Portrait)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are three frame sizes to choose from:
Small: 203mm x 177mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)
Signature Square: 46cm x 46cm (inside aperture 30cm x 30cm)
Proudly made in the UK


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Munching In The Flower Garden

Whilst pruning back the roses, what a lovely sight to see
Long ears and a fluffy tail, only one creature could it be
My daily little visitor, the nibbler of the leaves
Eating all my berries, hop, skip and off she flees!


All artwork and poems copyright protected by the Artist. Sarah Reilly, Love Country by Sarah Reilly. All rights reserved.

Weight 700 g
Dimensions 280 × 335 × 60 mm
Frame Size

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