
Make a Wish Framed Print (Portrait)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are three frame sizes to choose from:
Small: 203mm x 177mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)
Signature Square: 46cm x 46cm (inside aperture 30cm x 30cm)
Proudly made in the UK


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Make a Wish Framed Print (Portrait)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are three frame sizes to choose from:
Small: 203mm x 177mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)
Signature Square: 46cm x 46cm (inside aperture 30cm x 30cm)
Proudly made in the UK


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Make A Wish

One of the daintiest creatures I ever have found
Scurrying and scampering along the ground
Through farmland and hedgerow fast as he goes
How far afield he reaches I never will know
Dangling from thistles and scampering up trees
Nibbling his way through berries, yum, yes please!
With a wink of his eye he will grant you a wish
Blowing the seeds of a dandelion kiss


All artwork and poems copyright protected by the Artist. Sarah Reilly, Love Country by Sarah Reilly. All rights reserved.

Weight 700 g
Dimensions 280 × 335 × 60 mm
Frame Size

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