
Another Day To Explore Framed Print (Landscape)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are two frame sizes to choose from:

Small: 235mm x 185mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)

Proudly made in the UK


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Another Day To Explore Framed Print (Landscape)

Our white wood effect frames complement Sarah’s artwork prints beautifully. Frame includes the print of your choice.
There are two frame sizes to choose from:

Small: 235mm x 185mm (inside aperture 150mm x 100 mm)
Medium: 286mm x 235mm (inside aperture 198mm x 148mm)

Proudly made in the UK


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Another day to explore

Born deep in the thicket of hedges where it is warm and brambly
Harry is the youngest hedgehog of the growing hedgerow family
It’s an exciting woodland world to explore for a young little hog
Interesting smells call to him such as a damp and mossy log
As dusk approaches he sleepily lifts his head and sniffs the air
There is a delicious aroma of comforting sweet and sticky pears
Mama Prickles is making her famous pear and blackberry tarts
She knows a full tummy is the best way for an adventure to start
“Time for us to be off little ones”, Mama ushers them out into the night
Off they scamper snuffling the ground in search of new delights
Harry finds a mushroom and nudges it inquisitively with his nose
His prickles quiver in the breeze and the earth is moist between his toes
A spider works her gleaming web and he stops to stare in wonder
A shiny beetle passes by as there is a distance roll of thunder
Fat droplets of water suddenly tumble down from the sky
Harry looks up in fascination at all the twinkling stars way up high
Another day exploring fills his heart with so much joy he smiles
Blessed is he to be born a hedgehog and freely living in the wild.


All artwork and poems copyright protected by the Artist. Sarah Reilly, Love Country by Sarah Reilly. All rights reserved.

Weight 700 g
Dimensions 280 × 335 × 20 mm
Frame Size

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